Where you can find Magickal Moon Jewelry by Sheri Cerrone

Visit Artisans Oasis, a co-op located at 6 East Holly Ave, right on the corner of East Holly and Broadway in Pitman, NJ, where I sell an exclusive line of jewelry not available online. Their hours are Wednesday through Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 12pm to 4pm. They are closed Mondays and Tuesdays. For more information visit: http://www.facebook.com/ArtisansOasis


Like and follow me on Facebook @magickalmoonjewelry for upcoming craft show appearances, events, news and shop information. I sell my jewelry at craft and vendor shows throughout Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties.


Here's where I will be locally:


March 9 - Berlin Craft and Vendor Market at the Berlin community center

March 15 and 16 - Makers Market at McNaughton's Garden Center in Cherry Hill 



April 13 - Berlin Craft and Vendor Market at the Berlin community center